If necessary, UDT-20 can be equipped with heating and thermal insulation systems. As a rule, we use heating with an electric heating cable, or spiral heating inside the tank.
Underground drainage tank with heating spiral:
The design provides a built-in heater in the form of a coil. Saturated water vapor, water or a 60% DEG solution can be used as a heat carrier.
The tank is additionally equipped with metal structures of a heated well.
The choice of the type of heating device is made jointly with the Customer based on the specifics of the stored product and the location of the container.
Underground drainage tank with electrical heating:

Electrical heating is provided by the self-control heating cable.
The heating-up system consists of:
- the heating module (cable),
- the distributing & information module,
- the operating system (control box, temperature detectors and regulators).
Heat Insulation:

Heat insulation of our standard underground storage tank is performed by sputtering method with rigid polyurethane foam. The sputtering is done on the outside surface of the tank. The characteristics of the heat insulation coating are determined separately for each tank depending on chemical composition and the required temperature of the stored product, climate features in the location area, etc. Overall energy loss decrease by 40 % at minimum as a result of heat insulation.
Rigid polyurethane foam coating is an effective measure, as it provides air insulation, steam insulation as well. It is highly resistant to aggressive atmosphere and shows maximum integrity with the tank surface (1.0-1.5 kg/cm²). Due to this the polyurethane foam is considered to be a perfect corrosion preventive coating.
To ensure additional toughness of the heat insulation coating it has protective seal of polyuria. The seal is also meant to increase the operating life of the coating (from 35 years) and of the tank itself as well. If the customer demands we can also provide heat insulation with the mineral wool and protective layer of galvanized steel. This type of heat insulation is considered to be more low-budget, but it has, at the same time, certain disadvantages compared to polyurethane foam coating. They are to be seen in lower rates of steam impermeability, seams on the protective layer, shorter period of operating life.