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Water tanks

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EuroTankWorks produces a wide range of steel tanks for water storage.

Water tanks are used in all branches of industry, agriculture and housing and communal services. On an industrial scale, water is stored for use in all kinds of technological processes, heating, drinking water supply and for fire fighting purposes.

Depending on the purpose of maintaining the water reserve, both the design of the tanks and the grade of steel from which they are made vary. It also affects the choice of anti-corrosion coating for the inner surface of the water tank: for example, for storing drinking water, there are completely different requirements for maintaining its quality than for technical water. For hot water storage - specific requirements for the design of the tank.


Structural solutions for steel water tanks

Силосы для цемента представляют собой металлические емкости для сыпучих материалов стандартного образца, которые имеют форму конуса и используются при приеме и подаче цемента из цементовоза. Данное оборудование применяется для хранения сыпучих материалов — цемента, песка, извести, гипса и др., их дальнейшей раздачи и дозировки. Наряду с силосами для цемента производятся зерновые силосы кратковременного хранения и силосы для муки длительного хранения.

В цементный силос хранимый продукт подается при помощи пневматического податчика из цементовоза, который затем выгружается через шнек или пневмонасос. Процесс подачи стройматериала также может осуществляться через наклонный ленточный транспортер и загрузочный трубопровод с насосом.

Основным материалом для изготовления цементного силоса является сталь различных марок, соответствующих условиям района его установки, покрытая защитным антикоррозийным составом. Толщина деталей силоса варьируется от 6 (4) до 10 мм.

При эксплуатации силоса для хранения цемента в районах с низкими зимними температурами применяется его утепление с наружной стороны. Это также позволит оградить хранимый продукт от негативного влияния неблагоприятных климатических условий в зимний период.

Heating and insulation of the water storage tank

The need for heating and thermal insulation of a water tank can arise for several reasons. If the tank is installed outdoors, or in an unheated room in regions with negative temperatures, it is thermally insulated to prevent water freezing. Also, thermal insulation and heating systems are arranged on reservoirs in which heated or hot water is stored to maintain a given temperature.

We can select the optimal heating system depending on the tasks and resources available at the operating enterprise.

Heating is carried out using a tube heat exchanger located inside the water tank, which is supplied with a heating agent (steam, hot water, thermal oil).

An alternative option is electric heating. In this case, a system of a self-regulating thermal cable is used, which is attached to the wall of the tank, heating module, distribution module, temperature sensor and control unit.

Alternatively, electrical heating can be designed using electrical heaters. They are mounted inside the water tank through the wall. It is convenient when the heating element is equipped with a protective tubular casing - in this case, its repair or replacement will not require emptying the tank.

Thermal insulation of the water storage tank is performed on the shell and roof (or just the shell).

There are various systems for these purposes:

  1. Mineral wool boards or fiber with a metal sheath. Plates with a density of 48 kg / m3 are used. The casing is usually mounted in galvanized steel or polymer coated steel. The durability of the entire thermal insulation system depends on how well the casing is mounted. Today it is the most popular method of thermal insulation of a water tank on the market.
  2. Another block thermal insulation with a metal casing. Instead of mineral wool board, polyurethane foam or polyisocyanurate blocks can be used. The blocks are manufactured at the factory with a bend radius that matches the radius of the water tank wall.
  3. Spraying rigid polyurethane foam. The material is sprayed in layers with a thickness of 8 - 12 mm.
  4. Foamed rubber. This is a rolled material that is glued to the primed surface of the water tank, then protected from mechanical stress by a polymer or metal coating.
  5. Liquid ceramic materials. They are mounted by spraying and are convenient in that they do not require additional protection from environmental influences.

For thermal insulation of the water storage tank, it is necessary to develop a Thermal Insulation Project. When developing it, all aspects of the interaction between the tank and the insulation system are taken into account (load from the weight of the system on the tank structure, wind load on the system, the difference in thermal displacements, hydrostatic loads, etc.)

Corrosion protecting of water tanks

Water is a very corrosive liquid. Therefore, water tanks are often made from corrosion-resistant steels.

At the same time, the cost of such tanks is much higher than that of ferrous metal tanks, and modern anti-corrosion coatings, when applied correctly and timely updated, ensure the required service life of the tank.

When choosing an internal anti-corrosion coating for a water tank, it should be borne in mind that it should not require repairs for at least 10 years, have a resistant base (epoxy or polyurethane products), should not require very complex surface preparation, have a high level of adhesion to metal and elasticity.

Water tanks
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