Storage Tanks
EuroTankWorks specializes in steel storage tanks production for all kinds of industrial needs. Enterprises, that are planning construction, expansion or equipment upgrade of warehouses for liquid goods, need vessel equipment of different size, shape, material characteristics, endurance, etc. So, our enterprise produces all types of liquid storage tanks: vertical high loading capacity tanks (100m³ - 100,000m³), various horizontal containers, silos, boilers, and off-standard vessel equipment.
steel storage tanks
of high capacity

vertical liquid storage tanks
We offer you the catalog of vertical steel storage tanks we produce. Typical volumes of tanks: from 100 to 100'000 cubic meters. Custom design available. Please check out the storage tanks size chart, specifications and design features...
Hot water steel storage tanks
These are the vertical industrial storage tanks for hot water (up to 95°C) accumulation. They are widely used in a hot water supply systems. Also called the Buffer Storage Tanks. Equipped with heat insulation and complex rustproof coating. Please check out the detailed and illustrated description of the product...
storage tanks
of low capacity

horizontal liquid storage tanks
We produce horizontal atmospheric storage tanks of all types: above-ground / under-ground, single-skinned / double-skinned, one-section / multi-section. Let us introduce you our catalog of horizontal steel tanks (capacity of 3 – 100 cubic meters). The design of each storage tank will be finalized taking into account all of your requirements...
underground drainage storage tanks
Drainage tank is a sort of horizontal industrial storage tank placed under ground and having some constructive features. Used for collecting and storing the rest of oil products from the technological pipelines and oily effluents. Please check out the catalog of liquid storage tanks for sale.
morevarious products

Water tanks
Water tanks are used in all branches of industry, agriculture and housing and communal services. On an industrial scale, water is stored for use in all kinds of technological processes, heating, drinking water supply and for fire fighting purposes.
Oil tanks
EuroTankWorks offers turnkey steel storage tanks for oil and oil products of all possible designs.Depending on the location, reservoirs for oil and oil products can be vertical or horizontal, underground or above ground.Depending on the stored product, the tanks differ in material of manufacture, design and volume.
Chemical tanks
There is a wide variety of tanks for chemical liquids. Different materials are used for the fabrication of the chemical tank, and there can be various types of internal chemical-resistant coatings, heating systems, ventilation, recuperation, etc.
Food tanks
EuroTankWorks produces large-volume steel tanks for food industry enterprises. We fabricate all types of food storage tanks, processing raw materials and finished food products.
Our marketing department will help you choose the best steel storage tank for your needs from the variety of our products. Our engineer will cooperate with your specialists to work out the industrial storage tank design, choose the material, and, if needed, the rustproof coating, heating and heat insulation.
It should be kept in mind that the price of every tank is formed with consideration of a number of factors. Our principle is to offer the Customer the most effective solution in terms of technology and economics. Thanks to the high professionalism of our engineers, our customers often manage to reduce their storage tank expenditures by over 50%. For instance, we often avoid using costly steels by applying modern rustproof coating, or reduce total tonnage due to individual design, or save on logistics thanks to careful planning of batchwise metal frameworks shipment, etc.
At the initial stage of choosing the equipment our customers often have the need to quickly learn estimated costs of atmospheric storage tanks. In such cases, upon your request, within 24 hours our marketing department will prepare a commercial proposal with alternative equipment, prices, calculated logistics, and, if needed, assembly work.
Types of steel storage tanks
Classification of liquid storage tanks for sale is based on their structural features. The major one is orientation: vertical or horizontal.
As a general rule, vertical steel storage tanks are produced for liquids, reach 18 m in height and 85 m in diameter, are delivered to the site as metal frameworks and assembled on the site. Horizontal liquid storage tanks are smaller containers less than 100 m³ loading capacity, dispatched from the enterprise in the assembled condition. Vertical atmospheric storage tanks, in their turn, can be produced with a stationary roof or a floating roof, can be equipped with a pontoon, can have a protective shell (“body inside body” construction). Horizontal liquid storage tanks are produced with one or several sections, one or two shells, for above-ground or underground placement.
Our enterprise produces liquid storage tanks for sale of any constructional type. Both coiling and plate-by-plate methods are available (the enterprise is equipped with specialized coiling machinery). Our design-construction department quickly and professionally prepares structural design projects and final shop drawings. We pay special attention to minimizing the cost of every steel storage tank by reducing metal consumption while maintaining its required structural strength. Metal frameworks are dispatched either by automobile transport or by railway through our private spur track.
Production of small horizontal storage tanks is automated. We use columned welding keys that provide highly accurate and stable joint weld quality. We also have our own paint shop allowing to cover tanks and containers with rustproof coating in stable temperature and humidity, which results in high quality rustproof protection and lengthens the life of the product.